Channel: America's Navy
Category: Education
Tags: special forcesstorytellingptnavyhumilityqusn0766000hsea story podcastlifesavingus navyhydratedsealsmilitaryinjurytraumafort braggwoundspatientscommunitynavy podcastclinicaldoccadencesu.s. navytourniquetsunited states navymediciedu.s. navy podcastherotrainingemtimmunizationshospitalpainlearnafghan armymedicinenavy storiesrushcausalitydoctorhelpmarinesrangersphysician assistantnavy podcast episode 55eodrunspatriotsbravery
Description: This is not your typical hospital setting. On Episode 55 of the Sea Story Podcast, we hear from three “Greenside” Corpsmen about how they learned to apply their medical knowledge in the face of enemy fire, pitch black nights and limited resources. Sea Story is brought to you by America's Navy. Learn more at